
Configuration options#

Configure your plugin/widget under the "figma-plugin" key of your package.json file.

The configuration options map closely to the plugin and widget manifest.json APIs:



Optional. The version of the plugin API to use. Defaults to "1.0.0".



Optional. The version of the widget API to use. Defaults to "1.0.0".


(Array<"figma" | "figjam" | "dev">)

Optional. For specifying the editor(s) that the plugin/widget is intended for. Possible editor types are "figma", "figjam" and "dev". Defaults to ["figma"]. The value ["figjam", "dev"] is currently not supported.



Optional. This field must be set to true for a Figma/FigJam widget. Defaults to false.



Required to publish the plugin/widget on Figma Community. The plugin/widget ID. This field can be omitted during development but is required if you want to publish your plugin/widget. Figma will generate a unique ID for you when you first try to publish your plugin/widget; copy and paste that ID here.



Required. The name of the plugin/widget.


(string or object)

Required, unless "menu" is specified. Path to the main entry point of the plugin command or widget. The main entry point must be the function set as the default export of the file. To use a particular named export instead, specify an object with the following keys:

  • "src" (string) — Required. Path to the main entry point.
  • "handler" (string) — Required. The name of the exported function in the file.


  "figma-plugin": {
    "id": "806532458729477508",
    "name": "Draw Mask Under Selection",
    "main": "src/main.ts"


(string or object)

Optional. Path to the UI implementation of the plugin command or widget (as specified via the sibling "main" key). The UI implementation must be the function set as the default export of the file. To use a particular named export instead, specify an object with the following keys:

  • "src" (string) — Required. Path to the UI implementation of the plugin command.
  • "handler" (string) — Required. The name of the exported function in the file.


  "figma-plugin": {
    "id": "767379335945775056",
    "name": "Draw Slice Over Selection",
    "main": "src/main.ts",
    "ui": "src/ui.tsx"

Learn how to add a UI to a plugin command.



Optional. An array that specifies the parameters that the plugin command accepts via Figma’s Quick Actions search bar. Each parameter is an object with the following keys:

  • "key" (string) — Required. The unique key used to identify the parameter.
  • "name" (string) — Optional. The name of the parameter shown in the Quick Actions search bar. Defaults to the value of the sibling "key" key.
  • "description" (string) — Optional. The description for the parameter shown in the Quick Actions search bar.
  • "allowFreeform" (boolean) — Optional. Set this to true to allow any value to be entered for the parameter, not just the values suggested by the plugin command.
  • "optional" (boolean) — Optional. Set this to true to make the parameter optional. Optional parameters can only occur at the end of the list of parameters. There must be at least one non-optional parameter.

Learn how to accept parameters via the Quick Actions search bar in your plugin command.



Optional. When "parameters" is specified, the default behavior is that the user will be required to input parameters via the Quick Actions search bar. Set "parameterOnly" to false to make parameter input optional.


Required, unless "main" is specified. An array that specifies the commands shown in the plugin’s sub-menu. Each object in the array has the following keys:

  • "name" (string) — Required. The name of the plugin command.
  • "main" (string or object) — Required, unless "menu" is specified. Ditto the "main" field above.
  • "ui" (string or object) — Optional. Ditto the "ui" field above.
  • "parameters" (array) — Optional. Ditto the "parameters" field above.
  • "parameterOnly" (boolean) — Optional. Ditto the "parameterOnly" field above.
  • "menu" (array) — Required, unless "main" is specified. Sub-menus can be nested.

Use a "-" in the array to specify a separator between commands in the sub-menu.


  "figma-plugin": {
    "id": "837846252158418235",
    "name": "Flatten Selection to Bitmap",
    "menu": [
        "name": "Flatten Selection to Bitmap",
        "main": "src/flatten-selection-to-bitmap/main.ts",
        "ui": "src/flatten-selection-to-bitmap/ui.ts"
        "name": "Settings",
        "main": "src/settings/main.ts",
        "parameters": [
            "key": "resolution",
            "description": "Enter a bitmap resolution"

See the recipe for specifying multiple commands in the plugin sub-menu.



Optional. An object that specifies the commands that can be set as relaunch buttons. Each key is a relaunchButtonId. Each value specifies the relaunch button command, and is an object with the following keys:

  • "name" (string) — Required. The name of the relaunch button.
  • "main" (string or object) — Required. Ditto the "main" field above.
  • "ui" (string or object) — Optional. Ditto the "ui" field above.
  • "multipleSelection" (boolean) — Optional. Whether the relaunch button should appear when multiple layers are selected.


  "figma-plugin": {
    "id": "786286754606650597",
    "name": "Organize Layers",
    "menu": [
        "name": "Organize Layers",
        "main": "src/organize-layers/main.ts",
        "ui": "src/organize-layers/ui.tsx"
        "name": "Reset Plugin",
        "main": "src/reset-plugin/main.ts"
    "relaunchButtons": {
      "organizeLayers": {
        "name": "Organize Layers",
        "main": "src/organize-layers/main.ts",
        "ui": "src/organize-layers/ui.tsx"

See the recipe for configuring relaunch buttons.


(Array<"codegen" | "inspect" | "textreview" | "vscode">)

Optional. For specifying the list of capabilities that the plugin needs access to. Possible capabilities are "codegen", "inspect", "textreview", and "vscode".


(Array<"activeusers" | "currentuser" | "fileusers" | "payments" | "teamlibrary">)

Optional. For specifying the list of permissions that the plugin/widget needs access to. Possible permissions are "activeusers", "currentuser", "fileusers", "payments" and "teamlibrary".



Optional. Set this to "dynamic-page" if your plugin is compatible with Figma’s dynamic page loading feature. If this is not set, running the plugin will trigger the loading of additional pages in a file with multiple pages.



Optional. An object that specifies the list of domains that your plugin/widget is permitted to access. The object has the following keys:

  • "allowedDomains" (Array<string>) — Required. Match patterns for domains that your plugin/widget is permitted to access.
  • "reasoning" (string) — Optional. For specifying why your plugin/widgets needs to access the domains in "allowedDomains".
  • "devAllowedDomains" (Array<string>) — Optional. Match patterns for domains that your plugin/widget is permitted to access during development.



Required for codegen plugins only. An array of code languages that your codegen plugin supports. Each language is an object with the following keys:

  • "label" (string) — Required. A label for the code language displayed in the Figma UI.
  • "value" (string) — Required. A specific code language.

See the example.



Optional. Preferences for your codegen plugin. See the example.



Optional. Set this to true to allow the use of plugin APIs that are only available to private plugins/widgets.



Optional. Set this to true to allow the use of Proposed APIs that are only available during development.



Optional. A shell command that Figma will run before your plugin’s files are loaded.

JSON schema#

Validate the plugin configuration in your package.json file using Create Figma Plugin’s configuration JSON schema.

If you’re using Visual Studio Code, you can enable autocomplete and inline validation of your plugin configuration by creating a .vscode/settings.json file:

  "json.schemas": [
      "fileMatch": [
      "url": ""